Here’s a video showing the history of Devil May Cry. Released in 2006, Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening Special Edition is the definitive edition of Devil May Cry 3 featuring a number of enhancements, including the opportunity to play as Dante’s twin brother, Vergil, as well as the addition of Bloody Palace Mode and Turbo Mode. Devil May Cry 2 released in 2003 and was praised for its variety of environments, additional playable character, new ideas and updated control scheme, but panned for its open environments, lack of combat, changes made to Dante’s character and short length.

The follow up to Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2 centers on Dante and his new devilishly agile partner Lucia in their fight to defeat a horde of evil and a man hell-bent on achieving supreme power. Son to a human mother and a devil father named Sparda, the half-demon Dante uses his innate abilities and the powers of ancient demons to fight a one-man war against the forces of darkness and save humanity from damnation. The title captured gamers’ hearts through its stylish, over-the-top action and bad boy anti-hero Dante. Beyond a high-definition visual retooling, Capcom has said the new package will include unspecified bonus content and support for trophies on the PS3 and achievements on the Xbox 360.
However, my 360 is no longer in my entertainment center, so I'm probably gonna buy it on the One (or maybe the PS4, I just bought one because of possible DMC5 exclusivity plus other games I wanna try out). IGN reviews the HD version of the classic game series Devil May Cry in the new 'HD Collection.' Does Dante's PS2 trilogy still capture the extreme hack and s. I played the collection on mine years ago, and it played great. Debuting in 2001, Devil May Cry 1 immediately redefined the action genre, achieving a metacritic of 94. Personally, I'd say it depends on how easy it is for you to play your 360.